Dog Kennels Edmonton

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Companion Animals and Their Unique Place in Society–Part 2 Edmonton Dog Kennels

A brief history of the domestication of dogs.
Fossil remains suggest that five distinct types of dogs existed by 4500 B.C. Illustrations of dogs, dating from the Bronze Age, have been found on walls, tombs, and scrolls throughout the Middle East, Europe, and North America. Often the dogs are pictured hunting alongside their human companions. In ancient Egypt, dogs—like cats—were pampered and revered, and only royalty was allowed to own purebred dogs.
It is theorized that humans and canines discovered a potential partnership when dogs would scavenge near humans’ campsites, and the humans learned that the dogs offered protection, as well as help in hunting, in exchange for a share in the humans’ food.
Through the ages, dogs have been bred and trained to help people with hunting, herding, sporting, and countless types of work—not to

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